A rich life with less stuff | The Minimalists | TEDxWhitefish

Джошуа Филдс Милберн и Райан Никодемус, известные своим двум миллионам читателей как Минималисты, являются авторами нескольких бестселлеров, включая «Everything that Remains».
Они рассказывают о минимализме, ценностях в обществе и об осознании того, что действительно делает жизнь богатой.

Эта речь была представлена на мероприятии TEDx в формате конференции TED, но организована независимым местным сообществом. Подробнее на ted.com/tedx

Poison on our Plate | Ramanjaneyulu GV | TEDxHyderabad

Эта лекция была дана на мероприятии TEDx при помощи формата конференции TED, но независимо организована местным сообществом.

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Безопасна ли наша пища? Ramanjaneyulu ставит перед нами этот важный вопрос. Послушайте его рассуждения о качестве пищи, которую мы едим. Полушайте причины, по которым мы должны адаптироваться к органическому сельскому хозяйству из-за чрезмерного использования химических пестицидов и ужасающих фактов и статистических данных, которые их сопровождают. Он предупреждает нас об ущербе, который мы причиняем природе. В своей душещипательной лекции Ramanjaneyulu выдвигает на первый план тяжелое положение фермеров, причины, по которым они совершают самоубийства и много других причин, по которым фермеры и сельское хозяйство не должны умирать.

«Мы то, что мы едим и растения дают нам то, чем мы их кормим». Ramanjaneyulu ведет войну против использования пестицидов в сельском хозяйстве и бросает вызов традиционным методам ведения сельского хозяйства. Помимо управления Центром по устойчивому развитию сельского хозяйства в качестве исполнительного директора, он также ведает небольшим магазином «Sahaja Ahaaram», в котором продаются только продукты без пестицидов. После того, как он оставил свою постоянную работу в правительстве, Ramanjaneyulu посвятил себя интересам фермеров и его кампании: «Индия за безопасное производство продуктов питания».

"The Importance and The Power of Human Touch." | Judith Ashton | TEDxDunLaoghaire

NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers may find this talk helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this as a substitute for medical advice. This talk only represents the speakers personal views and understanding of touch and health which remains an ongoing field of research. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf

Judith Ashton talks about the negative effects of touch deprivation on peoples wellbeing especially during times of isolation. Positive touch is vital for healthy function and beneficial for the immune system. At a time when everyone is missing aspects of touch that we took for granted, we can can find ways to cope at such times. Judith Ashton has been working with massage and touch for the last 40 years. Her main interest being the emotional effects of touch as a powerful healing tool. She has a wealth of experience in this area and has trained many nurses and carers both here and abroad .She has worked with many cancer support services and people at the end of life.She is also a psychotherapist,funeral celebrant and teacher of meditation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Will GlobalClimateChange Alter Fundamental ImmuneReactivity | Maria Gramatiuk | TEDxMedUniGraz

What impact does climate change have on our health? Why is the health of children particularly vulnerable when it comes to climate change?
Let us listen to what Maria Gramatiuk has to say on her topic: Will Global Climate Change Alter Fundamental Immune Reactivity And Child Health? (Video recording for TEDxMedUniGraz 2020) Maria is currently a high school student, a woud be graduate from a Math class. Previously, she studied at a school specialising in foreign languages. She devotes free time to Art and Science being a versatile person. She is interested in learning foreign languages and is improving her skills in German and English.
Mary is a bit of a rebel and embodies the adventure and dedication of a true researcher. She shows interest in science and has taken part in winning prizes in the section of Human biology and Medicine.
At school, she is a member of the Rada of high school students and shows leadership qualities, which also help her in organizing scientific days at the Ukrainian Biobank Association, where she is the Head of the Department of a Younger scientific group.
She enjoys painting and choreography.

Her acquired determination and skills will help her in the future to make people beautiful to maintain their health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Moving from epidemic response to epidemic preparedness | Dr. Ifeanyi Nsofor | TEDxPortHarcourt

Currently, there are more than 64 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, above 44 recoveries and almost 1.5 million deaths. The pandemic is surging in the U.S. and Europe. However, sub-Saharan African countries are responding better to COVID-19. This has confounded scientists and thought leaders. The answer lies in Africa’s experience responding to different infectious disease outbreaks simultaneously and investments in epidemic preparedness. In this talk, Dr. Ifeanyi M. Nsofor shares his experience leading EpiAFRIC’s evaluation of African Union’s response to the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Lessons learnt from that response led to the establishment of the African Centres for Disease Control to coordinate efforts across the continent and also increased investments in epidemic preparedness by member states. He draws examples from the work of Nigeria Centre for Disease Control to show that epidemic preparedness is more cost-effective and makes more business sense than waiting to just respond to an infectious disease outbreak. He shares lessons from Nigeria’s COVID-19 response and how they should guide future epidemic preparedness. He urges western nations to learn from Africa’s and Asia’s COVID-19 response. He reminds all that a future pandemic is inevitable. Therefore, the time to prepare is now. A graduate of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine is a Senior New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute and a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Health Equity at George Washington University.
Hes the CEO of EpiAFRIC and Director, Policy and Advocacy at Nigeria Health Watch. Since 2018, the #PreventEpidemicsNaija project has been advocating for increased budgetary allocation for epidemic preparedness in Nigeria.
As a thought Leader in Global Health, Ifeanyi has written over 68 opinion pieces with a global reach — his piece titled, “Why an Ebola Vaccine is Not Enough” has appeared in 18 publications in 16 countries; and published in 8 languages; appeared in over 4.3 million print copies; been seen over 36,000 times on Project Syndicate social media channels. In March 2020, Ifeanyi spoke at “Exploring Media Ecosystems Conference” at the Samberg Center of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was recognized by Onalytica to be among Coronavirus Top 100 healthcare professionals globally. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

A better way to treat psychiatric conditions? | Dr. Eleanor Cole | TEDxNyarugengeWomen

Dr Cole who is a Postdoctoral Scholar, Autism and Developmental Disorders Researcher at Stanford University presents new treatments that have the potential to treat psychiatric conditions quickly and without side-effects. Most treatments for psychiatric conditions affect the whole brain (e.g. medications). These treatments don’t work very well and have side-effects. The new treatments Dr Cole presents, only treat the areas of the brain that are functioning differently in someone with a psychiatric condition. These new treatments have the potential to be better and act quicker than existing treatments.

Dr. Eleanor Cole is a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University and Director of the rTMS lab at the Wu Tsai Neuroscience Institute in California, USA. Dr. Cole completed her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging at The University of York in the UK. Her research is focused on developing and optimizing novel transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatments for psychiatric conditions including depression. Alongside her research, Dr. Cole has run an award-winning campaign supporting the mental health of students, run peer support groups for adults with ASD and currently volunteers as a counsellor for a crisis helpline. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How the COVID pandemic can create security for the next crisis | Dr. Angela Dunn | TEDxSaltLakeCity

The thing about a pandemic due a novel virus — there is no vaccine and there is no treatment. No one in the world has immunity and everyone in the world is susceptible. At first, the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to be an infectious equalizer, but as it spread through communities, it only made existing health and economic disparities even worse.

As the Utah State Epidemiologist, Dr. Angela Dunn has been at the forefront of managing the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the state. In this serious, yet heart-felt talk, Dr. Dunn shares how we are all interconnected and when one community suffers, we are all more vulnerable. She provides real and achievable standards so all those in our communities can not just live, but thrive in times of normalcy and in times of crisis.

This presentation was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with only a limited live audience of cast and crew members. While applause has been added to the beginning and end of the video, all other aspects have intentionally remained as filmed to honor the struggle and loss experienced globally during 2020.

Wardrobe furnished by Tommaso Cardullo. Dr. Angela Dunn is currently the State Epidemiologist for the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) where she works across the department to identify and address health concerns of Utahns. She came to UDOH as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As an EIS Officer, she has responded to communicable disease outbreaks both in Utah and abroad, including the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. Dr. Dunn is boarded in General Preventive and Public health, and completed her residency training at the University of California, San Diego.

Prior to joining the CDC, Dr. Dunn worked as a primary care and public health physician in San Diego, focusing on women’s health, sexually transmitted diseases, refugee health, and tuberculosis. Dr. Dunn also engaged in health systems research and interventions aimed at improving health care delivery within the military health system and federally-qualified health care clinics. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Sustainable mobility on EU islands | Prof. Theocharis Tsoutsos | TEDxEuropeanSustainabilityAcademy

This talk was shown live at TEDxEuropeanSustainabilityAcademy Crete, online event, 17.10.2020 Theme: Making sense of climate change on Crete|Taking Action.
Professor Theocharis Tsoutsos (Environmental Eng. School, TU Crete) gives an enlightening overview of engaging a wide range of stakeholders across the city of Rethymno, Crete, to improve the sustainability impacts of mobility. He explains the policy based, complimentary mobility solutions and practical action of the H2020 CIVITAS destinations project and how diverse people engaged in those actions and learned about enhancing sustainability in mobility.
This programme has shown to improve living quality for permanent residents, increase the image of the city and improve the experience of visitors.
The Rethymno initiative is a ‘lighthouse example’ for other EU cities to follow.
Professor (Environmental Eng School,TU Crete), Member, School Management Committee (2013-2017); Director, Graduate Programme «Environmental Engineering» (2014-2017); Founder

Слушать и слышать | Арсен Рябуха | TEDxPokrovkaSt

Арсен Рябуха — бизнес-тренер. Один из самых востребованных и эффективных бизнес-тренеров в России. Ведущий бизнес-тренер Business Relations, бизнес-коуч, спортивный коуч (ведет свой блог на Спорт ФМ). Лучший тренер в категории «Корпоративная культура» — премия «Эффективное бизнес-образование» 2017. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

TEDx Hadal | رحلة مع الوسواس القهري - تقوى عبدالوهاب | Tagwa Abdalwhab | TEDxHadal

‎الإنجاز قد يكون انك ما زلت على قيد الحياة تحارب من أجل الوصول إلى شئ لطالما حلمت به.
‎ماذا لو توقفت وانت في قمة انجازك لتبحث فجأة عن نفسك و عن الذات التي كنت تعيش بها كل يوم و لكن لم تجد شيئا غير الظلام ، هل ستستلم ام ستقرر المضي قدما في ذلك الظلام بحثا عن اللاشئ و صنع ذات جديده رغم الصعوبات التي تواجهها.
‎متحدثتنا تقوى عبدالوهاب وحديث شيق عن قصتها مع الاكتئاب و فقدان الذاكرة المؤقت و كيف استطاعت ان تعالج نفسها بدون اي تدخلات.

The achievement might be that youre, Still alive fighting for something you’ve always dreamed of.
Suddenly youre not the same any more, and youre standing infront of nothing,
The same life that youve lived in, But in a stranger way, you didnt find anything from what you used to feel it or practice it every day for a whole lifetime. would you fight the unusual? or are your gonna keep on with that darkness in the process of searching for nothing, Speaker: Tagwa Abdelwhab Will talk to you about her depression and her temporary amnesia and how did she managed to heal herself without any interventions.
Tagwa Abdelwhab This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx